Magento URls – Store URLs – Part 1

The Base URL is a must in each Magento installation which relates to the storefront. Also there is another URL that relates to Admin. Here we’ll discuss Magento website url to be specific Store URLs.

Magento Website URL – Store URLs:

However Mage defines internal links using variables and relates the base URL. So, we can easily move a store easily without updating links. Basically the Base URL starts with http. Likewise, the secure base URL begins with https.

In following we’ll get a general idea about different base URLs:

Base URL:

Secure Base URL:

URL with IP address:


Further Note: Never change an Admin URL using Base URL configuration rather use A Custom admin URL.

Magento Website URL – Secure Protocol

However during the web configuration process in the Mage installation the Base URL for store was setup initially. If you have already got an SSL certificate only then use https URLs instead of http for store and admin. Also it can be used for both store and Admin. Now you might have multiple stores or may be planning in the future to do so. In that case we can use our store code in base URLs. And good news is all versions of Magento support SSL.  

Magento Website URL – SSL & TLS

By the way, you might have no SSL certificate at the time of installation. You will have to contact your Hosting provider to purchase an SSL certificate and it needs to be renewed each year. So, it’s the time to look at our hosting plans. As we’re offering free SSL certificates to each merchant via Let’s Encrypt! Even with our basic plan which begins $9.99 per month. So, enjoy free SSL as it is a must before launching the live site. – Tanzia Farin Chy for Aspiration Hosting

After finishing off with SSL we can use both TLS (Transport Layer Security) & SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) in our Base URL. But remember the SSL is widely used in Base URL. Even Mage recommends the use of secure protocol.

Magento Website URL – HSTS

Instead of using the standard protocol it is better to use a HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security). Because HSTS stops browsers from rendering the pages with unsecure protocol for any specific domain and opt-in process. However it is possible Search Engines might already index your pages with standard URLs (http). But nothing to worry because we can customize Mage to convert unsecure page requests in to https. If we configure Mage for secure URLs in terms of store & admin, there will two additional field arises. Finally it’ll offer options to enable HSTS.

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