Picking reliable hosting is often a gamble. Always do some due diligence to find a good host. This is especially relevant for eCommerce stores. They require not only a secure server, but also one that is flexible. Here are five things to remember when choosing a host.
How to choose reliable hosting:

First of all, decide which type of hosting you want. A lot of options are available. However, cloud servers are the best. Aspiration Hosting cloud plans are designed to give each customer individual resources. Besides the cloud hosting plans, we also have dedicated cloud servers that offer more advanced resources.
Another thing to consider when choosing a host is their uptime guarantee. Aspiration Hosting offers 99% uptime. In fact, we are so sure of our servers that we also include a Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Safe and secure servers are important to safeguard against malware and virus. At Aspiration Hosting, we firmly believe in a regularly deep scan of our servers using Malnet and Clam AV. We also give our customers the program Spam Experts that scans every outgoing mail.
Another way to secure your site is to add SSL certificates to ensure secure transfer of information between the browser and server. Aspiration Hosting has SSL certificates from different brands including a free one from Let’s Encrypt.
And finally the most important for a reliable hosting is back up. Regular back up of your store is crucial. This is especially relevant when you are adding extensions, and due to some error would like to go back to a previous version of your store. Aspiration Hosting backs up daily, both on the server level and My SQL.
In conclusion, you now know of five reasons why Aspiration Hosting is considered reliable hosting, especially for Magento and Word Press sites. Contact us today.