Finding the right host for your blog, eCommerce store or even the business site is confusing. There are so many different hosting plans. However dedicated web hosting is the best available host. There are however so many things to consider before choosing. Let’s look at just three required things in a host.

Dedicated web hosting requirements:
Cloud is Foremost
Be on the Cloud. This tagline is all over the internet. Even big companies like Google and Microsoft say cloud is the best place to be. Cloud hosting plans are flexible, easy to up date and offer world wide server locations.
Aspiration Hosting does not limit the plans based on number of products, orders, visitors and also bandwidth. You only have to take care of the space you have on the plan.
Reliability is Essential
A server that creates the least amount of problems is the best to have. Aspiration Hosting has two ways to make their servers reliable. The first is we offer SSD drives which retrieve data 35-100 micro seconds faster. And because of the way the SSD drives are created, they consume less energy, thus over heating is prevented. And another bonus is they can’t be magnetized.
Second is our uptime guarantee. We are going to be online 99% of the time. We even give you an SLA because we are confident of our servers.
Web Transfer facility
Although many argue that this is a common feature, Aspiration Hosting free web transfer involves a lot more. We suggest ways to speed up your site and also you can avail the help from our web developer.
Aspiration Hosting has dedicated web hosting cloud servers starting from 100GB of space. Our servers are available in London, California, New York, Singapore and also Sydney. Contact our sales agent for more details.