Installing Magento on a localhost server – Browser Installer – Part 2

localhost Magento & Browser Installer – localhost magento index php install

Here Mage will start a test over on your environment. Though it also checks File permission, PHP extension, PHP ver, localhost magento index php install and PHP settings. Sometimes you will face some errors. If it happens please solve the issues before moving onto further setup.

localhost magento index php install 001

First Mage will be going ask few database details from you. So, input host “” as database server. Then the “root” as username and we are already done with database name as “magento”.


Basically, the next step is for web configurations. Here we need to provide store address along with the admin URL. Now set your store address for example: The store address might be there by default. Right after we can enter an admin URL as per our liking.

localhost magento 011

Fourthly we can chose our time zone, currency or language etc. for the Mage store.

localhost magento 012

Last but not least enter the admin panel’s credentials. Please enter unique username, valid email and strong passwords to make our site secure.

localhost magento 013

Finally, we are ready to install Mage in a localhost. Press install now and wait for a few secs. Hence remember until the success notification appears don’t close your browser.

localhost magento 014

NB: Wow!! You’re doing great but we are not done yet. So, we’re not ready yet to open our store address and admin URL. Here are last few things to do to reach our goal. Here we will discuss the process of localhost magento index php install.

Verifying composer,static content & re indexing – localhost magento index php install

Eventually we will now verify the composer installation. Then utilize the static contents and flush Mage cache. After that using Mage 2 Commands(CLI) we will re index the Mage 2 blocks. Now press & hold WINDOWS KEY then R. Here the run dialog box will appear. Next type “cmd” and press enter to open command prompt.

localhost magento run

Write and press enter “cd PATH_TO_YOUR_MAGENTO_FILES” to access the Mage Root Dir.


Type “composer install” and press enter to verify the composer installation in same Root DIR. NB: Please recheck your your composer installation again if any error occurs.

localhost magento 017

Briefly here we will set up contents specifically static to utilize on our Mage store. Hence, Type “php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy” to deploy static contents.

localhost magento 018

NB: Check your environment variables under php.exe and php.ini if any error arises.

Now, In cmd prompt type “php bin/magento cache:flush” to Clear Mage cache.

localhost magento 019

Finally, type “php bin/magento indexer:reindex” to reindex Mage static blocks.

Last but not least to access frontend, browse and visit your store by entering address . Also visit your admin panel under the following link

This is it. Enjoy Mage in your localhost server!!!

Go back to Installing Magento on a localhost server  Requirements  Part 1

“In summary, installing Mage in localhost is not an easiest job to be done. These kind of job needs a lot of skills along with time. But there is not nothing to worry anymore. As Aspiration Hosting is providing dedicated Mage server with all development supports absolutely free with the hosting service. Our plans worth your every penny and begins from USD 9.99 per month.”

Tanzia Farin Chy for Aspiration Hosting