WordPress is a one size fits all type of program that most business owners appreciate. You can setup a blog, a professional business website and also an eCommerce store. The concept of being part of the global economy is alluring with businesses vying to get online to grab their share in the business. The plugin WooCommerce allows you to create an online store right from the WordPress platform. This helps small and especially medium businesses allay many of the costly start up finances that often is seen with other eCommerce programs. And best of all, WooCommerce is very popular, therefore you can find plenty of people using it. Let’s see how WooCommerce works with WordPress.

The Plugin WooCommerce with WordPress :-
Domain and Host
Setting up your WooCommerce store begins with how you want to display your store. Will the store be part of your already WordPress business, or do you want to create your store with a different URL than your business site. This part is necessary as if you want to setup a standalone store, you will need to buy a new domain. You can then add this same domain on your host.
Choosing the right hosting plan is also important as WooCommerce will require more space and RAM than your WordPress site. A cloud hosting plan is scaleable and allows your business to grow without setting limitations. Like with Aspiration Hosting plans, you only have to worry about the SSD disk space. The more products you add, the more space you will need, but with cloud plans, you can upgrade instantly without any downtime.
Plugin Installation
There are two ways you can install the plugin WooCommerce. You can use the plugin section of WordPress and install the plugin. Or you can install via the cPanel using the 1-Click method that most hosts offer. Both ways will install a clean store with your WordPress site.
Theme and Extensions
WooCommerce has plenty of themes that you can use for your business. Check out the WordPress official site for your theme choice. And after that check out the extensions you want to add to your store. There are also plenty of sites that cater to the WordPress and WooCommerce program, creating both responsive themes and extensions.
Products and SEO
After you configure your currency, shipping and also taxes and your payment method, you are all set to add your products. WooCommerce allows you to add titles and descriptions that have SEO functionality in them. SEO is necessary because it allows you to rank better on Google, therefore increasing your organic traffic.
Sign Up for Aspiration Hosting plans. For more details, contact the WordPress hosting experts.